
With any decrease in supply, an increase in price could follow, making HFCs like R-410A more difficult to obtain.This sentence has basis.


As most already know, the AIM Act, which passed in December 2020, will reduce HFC refrigerant production by 85% by 2036. In fact, experts are 

predicting that the steep reduction could result in shortages of popular refrigerants such as R-410A and R-134a, as well as a sharp increase in 

refrigerant prices.


In order to minimize disruptions in this shifting landscape, it is crucial to prepare now.

First, preparation means training, which should occur sooner rather than later, and second, contractors must adapt to refrigerant recovery work

 and will become increasingly important as HFC consumption and production are phased down. We know that low supply and high demand lead 

to higher prices. Contractors need to keep abreast of market changes and should make the best decisions for retrofitting to next-generation HFO 

refrigerants. "




To prepare for the refrigerant transition, contractors should ensure their technicians are educated about the new mildly flammable A2L refrigerants 

and receive appropriate training to use them.


In-house education is important for technicians, as is training to become familiar with the lower GWP options for comfort and commercial refrigeration 

equipment, including A2L, A3 and CO2 systems. Additionally, contractors would be wise to verify that they have the appropriate tools to maintain 

low-GWP systems. Contractors can take advantage of Copeland's many resources.


Recovery and Recycling


Another important way for contractors to prepare for next years HFC production reductions is to ensure that refrigerants are always properly 

recovered and regenerated. Refrigerant cannot be recovered without first recovering it.

If more HFCs are not recovered and recycled , the shortage may exceed the demand required by the current installed base.

Help any technician with our simple, hassle-free process. When customers bring used refrigerant to a Trane supply store, they can exchange full 

bottles for empty bottles and receive credits on certain refrigerants toward future refrigerant purchases.


Greater focus on HFC recycling is now needed to make up for the expected shortfall in pure HFC supply in 2024 and beyond. Additionally, recycled 

refrigerants will become more valuable as more regulatory requirements mandate their use.


Contractors should ensure that their suppliers have active and robust recycling programs in place with their refrigerant suppliers. There is a saying 

that goes like this, "If your supplier does not offer recycled refrigerant, or they do not participate in the refrigerant supplier's program, you may 

need to consider other options or require them to participate in the recycling program. Otherwise, you may face them The risk of not being able 

to deliver the products needed to support our customers.


The HVACR industry also needs to do a better job of educating technicians, whether in trade school or on the job, about the importance of recycling 

refrigerants.In order to respond well, we must not only take precautions before they happen, but also take measures to deal with this change.


Lets work on it!