
As time goes by, half of 2023 has passed. This is a very important time. Here we look back at the past, 

summarize the highlights and deficiencies in our work, and at the same time look forward to the future 

to better plan our work in the second half of the year.


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First of all, rewards for PK and new customer development were issued, and the moment of getting money 

is always exciting.


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Then the person in charge of each department makes a speech, summarize the data in the first half of the 

year and make plans for the work in the second half of the year.

And this year can go out to visit customers. In the first half of the year, we went to Southeast Asia, the 

Middle East and Central Asia, and shared the visit experience.


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In the evening, the sales team enjoyed a barbecue party together. The world is so big, Only food and love can live up to 



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The next day we went to Wuyang Lake, experienced the kayaking project, and visited the Red Leaf Persimmon Rock 

Scenic Area. Through team building activities, everyone is more closely connected and familiar with each other, 

which will play an important and positive role in the development of future work.

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